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Rabu, 29 Januari 2014


Macarons, one of the most expensive cookies in the world has own charm for us. See that it has unique with various colors and ganache various flavors so tempting. No wonder that some bakery or pastry in Jakarta make macaron like a main cookies. Macaron appropriate like dessert or side dish with coffee or tea.
We known that the name of the macaron in the other world. However, macaron made by  Laduree Patisserie the most hunt in French.  Pierre Desfontaines is a Louis Ernest Ladure cousin, He had an idea to join two maringues and fill them with ganache in the middle.
The original macaron combined two plain almond meringues with filling of (chocolate) ganache, but today ganache, buttercream or jam is sandwiched between meringues of seemingly limitless calours and flavors.
Since appeared in Indonesia a years ago, many people tried to make macarons. But not all the people can made this cookies appropriate with shape, colors and taste. Do you know “what are the sign of a good macaroons?” Read on.

1        1.  Doesn’t has air bubblies
When you bite, it so crunchy and melt in your taste. If you get air bubblies inside, it has defference fill when you bite. It very easy, If you want to keep of them. Tapping the underside of the baking sheet before placing the macaron in the oven.

2       2. Bit coloring
Quality of macaron has attractive coloring. Looked the color. If that light like a noen lamp, macaron used excessive coloring. Used bit of coloring, it’s look better.

S       3. Surfice looks smooth
To made of good macaron must be careful and patient. The surface of macaron not cracked. Cracked surface can be if mixed of macaron not enter to the oven for a long time so the surface of macaron in the outside looks dried.  

4       4. Pistachio
If you make pistachios macaron used pistachios flour. Don’t replace pistachio flour with almond flour cause it makes defference taste.  

5       5. Proportional size
Good macaron has proportional size, it isn’t too small or too big. Slightly larger than a quarter is ideal. Too big macaron made the center looks chewy and the outside surface over cook or dry.  

F       6. Finely flour
Almond flour must be finely to keep of bumpy macaron. Beside taste, macaron must have stylish and attractive appearance.