Tehnik Kuminer Molekuler Gastronomy

Tumis oncom yang disajikan layaknya tanaman dalam pot. Tanah merah kecokelatan sebagai oncom dan tanamannya adalah kemangi.

Kuliner Dunia di Indonesia

Kuliner khas berbagai negara meningkat seiring dengan kepopuleran sebuah negara di Indonesia.

Dinner Dilemma

Some people say that really bored daily meals for dinner. It called “dinner dilemma”. She always eat similar food everyday and nothing combination. Do you feel that?.

Intip Interior Unik di Kantor Google

Salah satu kantor impian untuk menghabiskan waktu saat kerja adalah kantor Google. Siapa yang tidak mengenal Google?

Tradisi Minum Teh Ala Bangsawan Inggris

Sebuah sejarah unik menjadikan minum teh sebagai tradisi di Inggris.

Senin, 25 November 2013


Do you know that the baby need a lot of nutritions than adult? if measured based from weight, that’s true that the baby need a lot of nutrition than adult. even it’s twice.
When the baby grew up after 6 month, he has been ready to receive complementary food. In fact that many mom’s (it called mom’s) doesn’t know when the baby receive complementary feeding. Complementary feeding can decrease malnutrition of infant. Because in 6 month breast milk is no longer enough to meet the nutritional needs.

WHO declared that when breast milk is no longer than enough to meet the nutritional needs of the infant, complementary food should be added to the diet of the child. Transition from exclusive breastfeeding to family foods covers the period from 6 to 18-24 month of age.

Some groups in urban society complementary feeding gave after the baby 2 years old. Moreover in exterm casus after 4 yeras old, it’s dangerous. The otherwise urban society complementary feeding gave after the baby born, that’s too young.

Therefor I and my friend from nutrition hold some education event and cooking demontration about complementary feeding. The reason is giving knowladge complementary feeding and how to make complementary feeding the way easy and healthy. What kind of food can give complementary feeding and appropiate processing methods.

Education event and cooking demontration held in Subprobo Posyandu Kebon Baru village, Pucangan Kartasura, Central Java. In this event we joined posyandu event. We helped measure weight, haigh the baby and child.

We got some problems. When we measured the child has under 1 yeras old,  somebody carying or didn’t want to be measured. Sometimes they toke over in their mom’s. It’s so difficult. But I think this is my way for knowing phsycology the child. I think it’s fun when we studied directly on the field. We got new experiance.
complementary feeding education 
After finish event of posyandu, we tried to give aducation and cooking demontration about complementary feeding. Many mom’s excited to join in this event. Some mom’s asked about her child and then we answered and gave advice in this problem.

This event most interesting when we practiced how to make complementary feeding and foodstuff utilize. That’s importhan you must known what kind of food that you want to make? No all the food but just some of foodstuff you needed. In this event we just practise complementary fedding for 9 until 12 month.

We made carrots pudding the child 9 month age. Prepare some foodstuff like carrost, white gelatine (agar-agar putih) and milk. You can use milk the baby drunk everyday. Purre carrots and strain until form carrot juice.
cooking demontration "carrot pudding"
Mix carrots juice, milk and gelatine and boiled. After that prepare on the mold and wait until frozen. If you want the baby will be interest, you must be prepare on the funny mold. You can use turtle, doll or the other animal mold. The child very interesting, they want to try this carrot pudding.
intersting the child 
We hope from this event can help many mom’s give balance nutrition according to the age. Because food one of the factor can give influence growing up the child.  

Selasa, 12 November 2013


Some people says, expecially mom’s that she feel trouble with her children. She says “my child didn’t want to eat everything”. The other mom’s say  “my child just like egg, chicken or fast food”. It’s not good enough if everyday children consume this food.
The purpose why the children must be eat healthy food, Because they need some nutrition to grow-up and activities. Some nutrition like carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitmains and the other must be balance in their body. Beside that, mom’s can improve nutrition in their body.
One of them solution is attract for the children attention. Food that you make beautiful and creative can make interesting your child. Mom can make something food different than before. Benefit your skill and tell them what they like. For example they like hello kity doll, minion, teddy bear etc. Make their food with shape like hello kity, minion, tedy bear or etc.
Research Cornell University and London Metropolitan University from Latimes tell that the children like food which diverse and colorful. Food regulation is the most interest thing, although it’s not interesting for adult.
The result study advise that introduce healthy food for children must be give the visual efect which they like. More colours and varieties, more likes the children. View of colours and foodstuff can interesting the children.
That’s the way Samantha Lee as a mother. She always prepare food her child. The first thing, she just prepare lunch her daughter. She makes food utilize some cortoon caracter. She show her work on facebook and instagram. If you confuse what do you make, you can duplicate her work. There are some creation from Samantha Lee that everybody likes.

It’s funy food, Samantha Lee made from melted cheese and slice cheese. She need nori for clothes minions, it’s wonderfull. There are some vegetables for decoration.

Harry Potter
Looks Samantha need rice for a head and owl. She need nori for hat and robe. Vegetables creation for decoration and benefit protein for stick.

